Making NX23
1. Overview
2. Componets
3. Functions
4. Assembling
5. Motion check
6. 3D data & Source code
1. Overview
I made a quadruped robot with M5 COreS3 of the M5Stack series
2. Componets
1)M5 CoreS3
2)Servo SG90 x12
3)Battery NiMH 1.2V x 4 = 4.8V
4)PCA9685 Servo Driver board
The wiring is as follows.
3. Functions
1)Walking Left/right/front/back
2)Attitude control with JoyC controller
3)Leveling using IMU
4)Face tracking using the M5CoreS3 camera
4. Assembling
The interior is as shown in the photo.
It can walk, control posture, and keep horizontality using an IMU.
MFace tracking using the M5CoreS3 camera
6.3D data & Source code
- 2025.1.5Added face tracking featureNEW
- 2024.10.27Added video and link to GitHub
- 2023.7.14Created a page of NX23 Making Quadruped robot with M5 CoreS3